Monday, June 3, 2024

Part 1: Library management in C | Flowchart and Function Stack Call Diagram

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The application is represented by three mainMenu, adminMenu and studentMenu flowchart. The mainMenu flowchart represents the options provided to the user to choose application mode and user security. The adminMenu flowchart represents the all the tasks that administrator can perform, and the studentMenu flowchart represents the tasks that students can perform.

Main Menu flowchart

Explanation of Main Menu flowchart:

Start: The process begins here.

Main User Menu: The application displays the user menu to select the mode of the application.

Admin or Student?: This is the decision point where the user can choose either Admin mode or Student mode. The general idea is that library staff will choose Admin mode and students will choose Student mode.

Student Login: If the user is a Student, the application requests the user to log in by providing their student ID.

Exist?: The application checks if the student exists in the system. If the student ID exists, the process moves to the Student Menu Process. If the student ID does not exist, the application requests the user to enter it again.

Student Menu Process: This is a sub-process of the application. This process executes the application in Student mode. It is represented by the Student Menu flowchart.

Setup?: If the user is an Admin, the application checks if it is the first run (setup) of the application.

Create Account: If the application is running for the first time, the application requests the user to create the first admin account by providing a username and password.

Admin Login: The application moves to the Admin login screen if an admin account already exists.

Exist?: The application checks if the admin user account exists in the system. If the admin account exists, the process moves to the Admin Menu Process. If the admin account does not exist, the application will request the user to enter the details again.

Admin Menu Process: This is a sub-process of the application. This process executes the application in Admin mode. It is represented by the Admin Menu flowchart.

End: End of the application.

Admin Menu Flowchart

Explanation of Admin Menu flowchart:

Start: The Admin process begins here.

Admin Menu: The application displays the admin menu to select the task to perform. User can select task by input key A, B, C, D, E or Esc.

All Decision Points: If user input A, application takes user to Add/Modify Admin Account task menu, else if user input B, application takes user to Add/Modify Books info task menu, else if user input C, application takes user to issued or Return Books task menu, else if user input D, application takes user to search Books task, else if E or ESC applicaiton will end.

Add/Modify Admin Account: User can view, add, update and delete admin account.

Add/Modify Books Info: User can view, add, update and delete books data.

Issued or Return Books: User can issue books to the students and update returned books.

Student Menu Process: This is a sub-process of the application. This process executes the application in Student mode. It is represented by the Student Menu flowchart.

Search Books: User can search books by proving book ID.

End: End of the application.

Student Menu Flowchart

Explanation of Student Menu flowchart:

Start: The student process begins here.

Student Menu: The application displays the student menu to select the task to perform. User can select task by input key A, B, C, D or Esc.

All Decision Points: If user input A, application takes user to search books task, else if user input B, application takes user to view all books, else if user input C, application takes user to view issued or Returned Books, else if user input D or ESC applicaiton will end.

Search Books: User can search books by proving book ID.

View All Books: User can view all books avaiable in the library.

View My Issued Books: User can view issued and returned books.

End: End of the application.

Function Stack Call Diagram

Above is the function call stack diagram. It is different from a flowchart. A flowchart helps to represent application flow, business cases, and user interactions. It helps to explain application features to non-technical business users. However, in the function call stack diagram, you will find the link between the functions within the application source code. It helps technical users or developers to understand the application source code.

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