Sunday, August 5, 2012

C project on Medical Store Management System with source

This is large and complete c project built for medical store management system. In this project you can keep details of customer , suppliers and medicine. You can view the report and billing information also. You can add,edit, delete and search the record also. This project is also console application without graphics compile in code::blocks IDE with MinGW compiler.
Whole project is completely based on file handling all the record are store in file. You learn how to store the data ,editing data, searching data and deleting data using file. You can see the following feature in this projects.
1. Supplier Info
2.Customer Info

Employee’s Management System Project in c++ with source

This is another Mangagement project which is suitable for school or college mini project. It is written in c++ language in code::blocks IDE with MinGW compiler. It is console application without graphics. Whole project is completely based on file handling all the employee’s record are store in file. You learn how to store the data, editing data, searching data and deleting the data using file. Following features can be found in this project which is listed below.
1. Built The Employee table
2.List the employee table
3.Insert new entry
4.Delete an entry
5.Edit an entry
6.Search a record
7.Sort the table